You were such tiny seeds in my hand
When I planted you in the spring,
That I wondered what would become of you.
But then slowly it began.
Little stems
Grew into bigger stems,
And then the buds appeared.
Scores of them.
When your flowers blossomed,
I was captivated.
Such exquisite poppies!
Richly red,
Tall and elegant.
Each day I spent time
Watching you
As you danced and swayed
In the breeze.
The solitary bees
Came to pay a visit,
In the give and take
Of pollination.
If I could have a wish,
I would wish
That you would stay with me
For the whole of the summer.
But you are here
For a given time.
And that is your beauty
And Mother Earth at work.
Blog copyright Barbara Grehs
Published on 25 July 2022